Friday, July 3, 2009

Stuff That Made Us Sweat

Now that our year of overseas adventures is drawing to a conclusion, we thought
we would take time to reflect on some of our interesting experiences and memories. We have made a goal this month to update our blog daily with these reflective lists, along with a peppering of our normal blog entries. Our first for example, is a list of all the different jobs we did while working on farms, beginning in England in April and ending last week in Austria. Enjoy!

-chopping wood
-hauling branches
-digging trenches
-moving and stacking wood piles
-unearthing grass patches
-replanting potatoes
-hauling compost
-building a greenhouse
-weeding pathways, gardens, olive trees, roofs, pots
-sawing vines from trees
-digging up and moving roof tiles
-cleaning a storage shed
-planting lavender (lots)
-building Ikea furniture
-cleaning b&b rooms
-grouting and tiling a bathroom
-washing windows
-cleaning kitchen/mopping floors
-doing millions of dishes
-ironing bed sheets
-cleaning a garage
-spraying weed killer
-fixing a swimming pool deck
-picking lettuce/strawberries from the garden
-weed wacking
-clipping/trimming hedges
-clearing olive branches from pastures
-moving gravel piles
-chainsaw wood
-stripping paint from windows
-painting windows
-painting bathroom studio
-produce shopping
-running errands
-removing and cutting ancient wire fencing
-cleaning and restoring horse stable
-re-fencing horse pasture
-exercising camels
-feeding llamas and ostriches
-cooking meals and serving hosts
-brushing camels/removing winter coats
-loading horses onto trailers
-saddling horses
-cleaning stables
-feeding camels/horses hay, grass, and straw

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Excursion to Toledo

Excursion to Toledo

The Toldeo Cathedral

The Toldeo Cathedral
....supposedly one of the most beautiful in all of Europe

The city (the former capital of Spain) is on top of a hill, surrounded by a stone wall

the narrow city streets were an adventure to walk on

lovely city streets...

The top of a mosque

The "Bullet Train"

The "Bullet Train"
This high speed train runs over 200 miles an hour! We traveled a distance of 100 miles in 30 minutes flat. Amazing.

Excited for our first trip outside of Madrid

Another typical plaza in the center of the city. As usual, late in the day all the folks gather together and sit and catch up on their days. Very pleasant!

I loved watching this sweet elderly man pacing the square. Looks like he might have benefited from drinking more milk though in his younger days!

Our first "Menu of the Dia." This is my 1st course of their famous gaspacho- served more pureed and smooth here than how we make it in CA...

a view from on top of the city

love the flowers and shadows

The Packing Nightmare!

The Packing Nightmare!
We actually lived amongst this for several days!

Down to the last load...

Down to the last load...

Goodbye to our apartment... now we're homeless!

Goodbye to our apartment... now we're homeless!